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Overcoming Fear

Fear is a response we are all familiar with and it's purpose is to alert us to danger and ensure survival. Most of us can identify the feelings in our body when we are afraid. Some include a tightness in the chest, sweating, an inability to speak, flushed face and increased heart rate. When we are engulfed with fear our body is on high alert and goes into survival mode to protect us from danger. So fear can be a good thing, it only becomes a problem when it prevents us from being our best.

When fear is a response to a threat that could harm you, it is helpful for your survival. But when fear gets in the way of being your best self the fear itself becomes harmful. It can reduce your potential as your limiting beliefs are holding you back. The good news is that you can use your fear to fuel you and overcome the obstacles that are in your way.

5 Steps to Overcome your fear;

1) Identify the fear

What are you really afraid of? Identify the source of your fear, is it the activity, what people will think of you, or the possibility of failing? Awareness is key to understanding and changing a response. If you want to overcome a fear you need to get to know it intimately. A good tool is to brainstorm a list of everything that scares you about this fear you have. The more you know, the more tools you have to work towards a solution.

2) Acknowledge the Fear

Sit with and acknowledge your feelings around the fear. Notice where the fear is sitting within you, pay attention to the clues your body provides. Are you feeling it in your chest, your throat, or your jaw? Know that your body is trying to protect you and be grateful for the feelings it is allowing.

3) Awareness and Question

Become aware of your thoughts around the fear, what is the narrative you've created to help you cope with this belief. Is that story true? Are there other possible outcomes? What are the triggers that illicit a response? Ask yourself the hard questions about what makes you afraid. Keep digging within yourself until you get to the true honest answers. We easily lie to ourselves, start go be truthful to yourself.

4) Change your Mindset

There are two types of mindsets, a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. A fixed mindset does not like change, it wants to keep everything the same. A fixed mindset avoids challenges and gives up easily. Shifting to a growth mindset can do wonders for conquering fear. A growth mindset believes that anything is possible, it welcomes challenges and sees failure as lessons that will help you grow. When you change your mindset you change your life. Embrace a growth mindset to give you courage to conquer your fears.

5) See Yourself Overcoming your Fear

See yourself in the future after you've overcome your fear, embrace the feelings that you will feel in your body and in your soul. Feel the energy shift as though you've already conquered what scares you. It can help to create a vision board or paint/ draw a picture of you flexing your courage. When you feel the success in your heart then you can get your mind to believe it as well. It is your own limiting beliefs that are stopping you, create new beliefs that that promote your success!

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